Yes, a Managerial Elite Wants to Genocide European Men
So, We Shall Become Guerillas against Globalism
A news article claims men need to have their penises screened for cancer, for they might be at risk of an amputation. Of course! Not enough White men are falling for the trans-castration scheme, so doctors are incentivized to make up dick cancers. The point, as always, is clear: The verbal dream weavers who run the West want the extermination of White men at all cost.
It’s funny, because I joked about this during the Covid lockdowns. If mainstream media were to announce that men had to cut off their testicles to “stop the spread” (of the White man’s virus), half of White men would comply instantly by arranging a meeting with the physician to discuss their voluntary castration.
Meanwhile, the unelected brown Premier of the UK, Rishi Sunak, who comes across as an Indian IT manager, has said it out loud: He wants Britain’s young to do “national service” with a “voluntary” military option. To die fighting Russian drones, of course.
However, if the young don’t sign up, he will block their driving licenses and cancel their bank accounts:
How unlike Hungary’s Viktor Orbán who refuses to send his men to war against Russia. In a radio-show interview, Orbán recently remarked he believes that the European Union is actively “overseeing the replacement of White Christians with Muslim immigrants”:
“In Europe there is an exchange of populations, the number of white, Christian, traditional – let’s say European – people is decreasing, the number of migrants being imported and the number of people belonging to the Muslim community born here is radically increasing,” Orban told Kossuth Radio on Friday.
At this point, we may accept that our governments are the enemies of the people. Whether Sweden, USA, or France, every Western government is actively working to erase its native White peoples and to replace them with low-cost, low-quality brown immigrants.
At the same time that mainstream media are telling White men to be more feminine, they are also promoting Muslim propaganda, which says that women should submit to Muslim men. They push the LGBT onto White men, while then arguing that real men are Muslim and White women should capitulate.
It’s not even working. Despite the plethora of TikTok video claiming that Jesus Christ was a Palestinian Muslim, the majority of White kids aren’t converting to Islam. That’s because Islam is the product over a sub-85 IQ population. Our more intelligent White women aren’t interested in such an inferior system of domination.
Tell me, how are White women with an average IQ of around 100 going to submit, willingly, to brown men with an average IQ of below 85? How are the tall North European women going to submit to Central-African men who are barely any taller on average? It’s completely delusional to think this way.
The superior woman will not submit. End of story.
This leaves the globalist Cabal only one more option: violence. Indeed, the war in Ukraine is a fake war. Fake in the sense that the motives for the war are fake. There is no conflict between White Germanic or Slavic peoples. There is a need for both the EU and the Russian Federation, however, to purge their White males in favor of cheaper brown workers.
Guerilla anti-Globalists
Thus, I foresee a totally different outcome. The evil manager elite will fail. The White males of the West will find their reawakened Spirit, their connection to Higher Ideals, to their God, and launch an eternal war on globalism, a popular revolt never before seen. We will break the chains of obedience and overthrow the sickness of the Brussels Moloch.
I recommend the book The Forest Passage by Ernst Jünger for this purpose, as it contains a blueprint for the guerilla war on globalism. I also recommend the book Guerilla Warfare by Ché Guevara, because it details practical suggestions how to fund a rural resistance against our urban overlords.
We shall have the last laugh—we shall prevail.