Witchcraft at Davos, and the Subversion of European Culture
Have you seen the witch they brought on stage at Davos, at the World Economic Forum’s meeting where leader Klaus Schwab declared himself “trustee of Earth”? They brought a witch to perform some kind of ritual of which we do not know the real meaning or the real purpose. But one thing is for sure, our Western elites must realize they depend so much on exploiting people around the world, they cannot allow the colonial-mercantilist systems to falter.
And the formerly colonized peoples know it, too. It puts them in a bargaining position to emotionally blackmail our Western elites. You see, my theory is as follows: A lot of the subversion we are observing (LGBT, veganism, anti-white-male policy, etc.) stems from high-level business deals Western governments have to make with hostile peoples’ leadership abroad. For example, I find it quite reasonable to think that China, Iran, and Saudi Araba are all heavily invested in promoting LGBT among white men.
Our Western “elites” just happen to be incredibly greedy, incredibly stupid people who think they may continue to stay rich even if their native white populations die out. I also happen to have concluded that our so-called governing elites are actually low in IQ. Most absurdly rich people are simply born into power, and they have lost their ability to defend their civilization. They simply do not have the skill.
Ergo: I believe our Western elites may have been captured by the foreign enemy. For what I see around me, in terms of decline and degeneracy, may not be the work of evil-doing white or Jewish-white elites, but of actual foreign enemies manipulating our elites into harming our populations in exchange for access to African resources and Asian labor.
Many if not most of the cultural changes we have been observing over the past few decades appear to be a targeted subversion of European culture.
One, group rape, for example is traditionally rare among European cultures, but a lot more common among non-European cultures, where gang rape has always been used as a method of warfare against the enemy's women, and against their own. The American porn industry’s gangbang genre, for example, surely was not inspired by anything coming out of Europe. A single Arab source citing Vikings were engaged in group orgies may have simply been the same sort of propaganda we are seeing today. They hate us, so they give us bad press.
Two, a culture of extreme negativity (“dissing”) that exists everywhere in the world has been slowly creeping into the Hollywood movie dialogues. TV series, soap operas, and even movies, nowadays, see leading characters dissing each other throughout an entire dialogue. This is un-European. White people don't talk like that. But the creeping negativity in terms of public dialogue, rather than say poetic or bold dialogue, does lead to a general distrust of people. Negative, like smiles, spread.
Three, a culture that increasingly permits or tolerates theft, as in certain areas in the USA where people are legally allowed to steal up to $900 worth of merch. This is unheard of in Europe (so far), but theft is the very foundation of most other cultures, especially in places like India or Africa. Keep in mind that most non-white races don’t even have a concept of private property.
Four, transgenderism, believe it or not, is much more African than European. Even though African American males make up about 7% of the U.S. population, they were 50% of the transgenders. In fact, according to data I got from Pew Research, even today, despite all the trans propaganda for white males, black U.S. males are still most likely to turn trans, followed by Hispanic and Latino men, then Asian men, and lastly white men.
That's right, even today, white men are least likely to turn trans of all races.
Five, feminism and the attack on the male patriarchy. Northwest European men are the most patriarchal men in the world. Through feminism, Western culture has not merely been feminized, it has been Africanized. It has put loud-mouthed mamas like Joy Read in charge of CNN’s prime-time broadcasts. That doesn’t mean white men are listening.
Six, the promotion of anal sex, may surprise you, is actually another African way of life. African-American women, as their African counterparts in the African continent, are six times more likely to take it up the bum than white women do. And since diseases like HIV and or AIDS spread via blood contact, this is why AIDS has spread much quicker among black people than among white people, because black men practice a lot more anal sex with their women.
Seven, mob justice has replaced rule of law. Innocent police officer Derek chauvin was basically convicted by mob trial rather than by jury trial. It has the distinct characteristics of mob justice, as in Africa. Mob Justice is not European justice, it is African justice.
It's time for us to make ourselves and our younger generations aware of who they really are and who they might really be again in the future. And we can do so without “African resources”, for the resourcefulness that lies within our own hearts and minds suffices to withstand any catastrophe, now and in the future.