Why the People Can't Win
Historically speaking, farmers’ revolts against their exploiters (such as the Canadian Truckers against the Urban Socialists) have been easily crushed by ruling elites. Rarely do the common people and their torches and pitchforks manage to overthrow a corrupt regime. That is because farmers don’t pay officials’ salaries, nor the incomes of the security forces, police, and military. The elites do—by exploiting the farmers.
Sometimes farmers do win the revolt, but if you were betting money, I’d bet on the elites, who crush most popular revolts most of the time (and come out even richer and more powerful afterward).
I’ve always been intrigued by this conflict, namely the lying elites who continue to rule over the miseducated commoners. Miseducation means people are taught to believe things that aren’t so. They’re technically educated, but the false beliefs they live by forever hold them back. Taken together, the greedy cunningness of the rich and the ignorant idiocy of the populace are what keep the status quo in power
Let’s have a look at a few examples of this conflict of cunning elites versus the idiotic masses:
Tucker Carlson, Hero of the Right, Does’t Care about White People’s Survival
The adopted Hero of the Right, Tucker Carlson, said in a podcast interview he wouldn’t want anyone to represent “white people” as a group once they become a minority in the USA. To rich white people, the common white people might as well be a separate species. Tucker will still be drinking exquisite wines on whites-only private club beaches long after Bud Light goes bankrupt.
Modern ruling elites exploit people of all races, not just their own. They don’t want armed white men to chase away blacks and Latinos because it would hurt the white elites’ bottom line. The rich and powerful can still profit from the decline. Note that people don’t naturally reduce their birth rates unless they simply cannot feed their children. Indeed, white Americans have chosen to cling to a false materialism that deprives their babies even of eye contact.
The majority of human beings, after all, serve as the elite’s cattle. So why would it matter if the cattle are dumb and white, or stupid and black?
The International Criminal Court Targets Mostly African Leaders—But Why?
The United States doesn’t recognize the International Criminal Court (ICC) of The Hague but actively uses the ICC to go after dozens of African leaders (and a few Russians), namely in order to “reel” the former colonies in, lest Africa bows a little too deep to China.
Africans can, in principle, destroy the USA by simply sending their resources to China and Russia instead of to Europa and the Americas. The ICC is a continuation of the colonial control Western elites exert over Africa. But ask any white person in Europe what they think of the ICC, and the answer is the ICC is a good cause because we should “fight corruption and war crimes”, even though the West actively engages itself in countless wars and crimes abroad. T
The U.S. leadership will choose to bankrupt its economy before it surrenders to China. The common people may ultimately starve but the elites will flee to other places on Earth where they may live on.
Lack of Early Childhood Eye Contact with the Mother Directly Causes Autism
We know poor eye contact is a symptom of people with autism, but did you know that a lack of early eye contact is the direct cause for autism?
Children born blind, for example, show the highest rates of autism later in life. Orphaned babies raised by nurses also show high rates of autism. (The nurses don’t have the time to give each child the humanizing eye contact it needs.) And overworked, stressed-out parents who leave their baby alone in the crib for far too long, deriving it of eye contact for prolonged periods of time, may be sure to cultivate an autistic child.
Without proper eye contact, children remain baby-objects. They fail to become baby-humans. Parents will, of course, deny any wrongdoing. It was never their fault. They were good parents who fed, clothed, and bathed their babies—but they ignored the child’s need for eye contact. It turns out that human beings need plenty of eye contact from their mothers in order to develop a normal social connection with humanity. Without it, autistic people remain forever disconnected.
Yet if you would Google for a link between autism and lack of eye contact, the research focuses only on the question: Why do autistic people have trouble with eye contact? Only one article discusses why lack of early eye contact is what led to the development autism in the first place. Indeed, people prefer to believe that chemical agriculture or vaccinations are now the cause of autism. In reality, it’s mothers who ignore their babies’ need for eye contact.
My point is, the common people, too, live in a sort of autistic state when it comes to their understanding of the world. Having never been shown how to fend for themselves, they have lost any innate ability for hunting and gathering. They have become dependent on Father State and Mommy Media to tell them what to believe.
In Conclusion
Seeing how stupidly gullible ordinary people are, and how easily their minds are twisted and broken, I wouldn’t want them to be in charge of anything. In fact, they aren’t. I don’t believe in democracy, socialism, or “true” communism because these political systems are all scams run by the same higher-ups anyway. Ordinary people are given just enough influence and power to keep them from revolting.
At the same time, I wouldn’t want to be an ordinary person living under the rule of a cunning elite whose interests go against mine. So that leaves any cunning person with only one option: to become elite, to rule over the idiocracy, and to rise above the pitchforks.