Who Rules the West?

Professor G. William Domhoff once wrote a book titled Who Rules America? He concluded that the USA was being ruled by a financial aristocracy of about 20,000 to 30,000 wealthy families. Most of these families were White, except for Henry Kissinger, the Jew of the Kings who advised both Democrat and Republican presidents.
But that book was originally written in 1967, just shortly after the Kennedy Immigration Act opened up the U.S. borders to non-European immigration. It was a time when White Protestant families were still in charge of the USA. A time when a Jew-hating Richard Nixon could become President. Is this still the case in 2024?
According to another book, titled Jews and the New American Scene, published in 1995 by Harvard authors Seymour Lipset and Earl Raab, Jews gradually worked their way up to political power. Having come to New York City during the late 19th-century, the Jews, working as clothes merchants and tailors, slowly moved into law, journalism, and branches of political power.
Since Nixon, it was now Jews who managed to supply several U.S. Presidents who had Jewish mothers, such as Bill Clinton (Jewish mom), Barack Obama (“White”/Jewish mom), and even George W. Bush (mother Barbara was Jewish). Besides, no matter what President you vote for nowadays, you will always get a pro-Israeli, pro-Zionist candidate.
Why is that? Why is it so that both Democrat and Republican candidates will always support Israel and Zionism? That’s because Israel is a sort of economic linchpin that provides wealth to the USA. As I discussed with Daniel Natal, Israel guards and/or controls the connection between Europe and Asia. Israel’s presence is needed in the Middle East in order to prevent Muslim forces from seizing an important global trade bottleneck.
Most trade with Asia is designated for the Western markets, and most of that has to pass through Egypt’s Suez Canal nowadays. Israel is the non-Muslim force guarding the safe passage of goods to the West. Israel is also massively enriching itself from all sorts of trade tariffs.
It is no wonder, then, that half of the U.S. billionaires are Jewish, despite being only 3% of the population. American Jews, through their contacts in Israel, make a lot of money from global trade. Jews are, by nature, mercantilists who profit from moving goods and people around. And American Jews, through their AIPAC cult, are in turn expected to pay for Israel’s defense and protection.
With all this in the back of the mind, everything else becomes clear. In order for the Jewish power play to survive, they need to 1) control global trade through the Suez Canal (or a possible new canal dug through Israel), 2) control global trade past China’s Taiwan Strait in the South-China Sea, and 3) control global semiconductor production (Taiwan’s TSMC, and the Netherlands ASML).
So this is what World War 3 is really about. It’s about maintaining the Jewish status quo and their financial power over the West, the US Army, NATO, the EU, and subsequently, the rest of the World.
This is where the sudden Anglo love for Hindus and Sikhs comes from. Both “far-right” British national Nigel Farage and his Reform UK, and Trump’s Republican Party have embraced the Indian faiths as their own.
Trump had previously been flirting with Vivek Ramathingamus for VP, but Vivek would have been too off-putting for the evangelical base. So, instead, Trump picked a presumptuous Vice President who is married to a Hindu/Indian woman named Usha.
At the same time, Europe is still being flooded with Islamic immigrants, and for two reasons: 1) to remove unwanted Arab populations from Israel’s vicinity, and 2) to bribe Arab mullahs by offering them Europe instead. Europe is simply being sacrificed by the USA (who funded the establishment of the European Union).
Then where does that leave the so-called White Supremacy? It effectively relinquished power by the late 1930s. Will White people now have to dissolve their nations into foreign faiths and dilute themselves into foreign populations?
If the global geopolitical game is about protecting Jewish-American-Israeli profits from global trade, then where does that leave our people?
It means we have no friends and no allies. We are on our own. The White peoples of the USA, Europe, and Russia, and elsewhere, would do well to unite themselves under an ethnocentric Christian banner (not a universal flag!). We must awaken among our own kind a renewed spirit for survival, a certain violent bloodlust.
What we need is a willingness to fight, to confront death, and to overcome insurmountable setback. If we can let go of modern technology and its markets, we are free to embrace freedom and spiritual connection, to ourselves and to our peoples.
The way forward is starting to look like a century or more of guerilla warfare, of us against them, of the Aryans and their horses against the Jews and their ships.