What to Make of the Pro-Israel Conservatives?
Changing geopolitical alliances are threatening the continued existence of Israel. Israeli-American conservates are now looking to cozy up with the European Right. Should we fall for their scam?
The NatCon or National Conservatism conference held in London earlier this month was organized by the U.S.-based Edmund Burke Foundation, to initiate a “revival” of “national identity and culture” alongside “god and country”. The Burke Foundation was founded in 2019 and is being chaired by Yoram Hazoni, an Israeli-born U.S. national.
As a European, the idea of a conservatism so strongly tied to Israel’s fate feels very Americanesque, overly Protestant-ish, and Old Testament-y—and simply quite unnatural. European conservatism, in my view, should regard modern Israel as a foreign nation wholly unrelated to our history. We should not let Biblical nostalgia fool us. Modern Israel’s survival can only come at the Europeans’ expense.
In the end, Israel really is mostly a desert nation. Though Israel may be America’s Greatest Ally, and Jews would love it to become Europe’s Greatest Love, the word ‘Israel’ would normally hardly ever cross my mind if Israel weren’t the top-of-mind of so many American commentators online.
At the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) held in Budapest, also earlier this month, speakers equally aired their concern for antisemitism (even though Hungary has the lowest incidences of antisemitism in Europe while boasting the continent’s largest synagogue).
What’s with the Pre-Occupation?
Well, as a non-Jew, I suppose recent geopolitical changes are threatening the continued existence of Israel. The Arab League, for example, has welcomed Syria (Israel’s enemy and neighbor) and its President Assad back into the club. The number of U.S.-Israeli allies has been dwindling since the rise of the BRICS nations’ alliances. The U.S.-led “Ukrainian” war on Russia has seen many countries ditch the dollar for the Chinese yuan or even Russian roubles.
In other words, American funding for Israel is drying up and clever Jews are tapping into European conservatives’ “hearts and minds” as a backup. Don’t be antisemitic. Give us your money.
Since the Soros-led Biden-Left would love to see Israel disbanded and ‘opened up’ as part of the Open Society, the push for pro-Israel conservatism both in Europe and in the USA is a clear plot to try to secure the support (and funding) for the conservation of the nation of Israel—at the expense of non-Jewish Europeans and Americans, of course.
It leaves Europeans but two choices: an anti-Israel Soros/Biden Left versus a pro-Israel NatCon Right—but the third option, Europeans First, is missing. Either choice of Left or Right will lead to Europe’s decline and murder-by-migration, regardless of whether Israel survives.
We Europeans shouldn’t be fooled by the immense power of Israeli influencers. We should choose our own way, the way of Making Europe Strong Again (MESA).
I consider pro-Israel conservatism to be both a distraction and a scam. To European conservatives, our end-game should not be the conservation of an idealized Israel but rather the practical revival of Europe and its indigenous peoples. We can make Europe the most important continent in the world, and we can do so without continued mass immigration.
Once upon a time, Rome cut its ties with Judea. For us, today, it is time to cut ties with Israel. We shall no longer surrender Europeans for Israel’s sake. We need less of YHWH and more of Odin/Wodan.
What we need is a revival of the warrior castes of Europe—and many more sons.