Trump and the Coming Caesars
“[The Americans] enjoy calling their President Tom, Dick, or Harry, even though he is probably the most powerful human being in the world.”—Amaury de Riencourt
Rome became an Empire when Julius Caesar’s adopted son, Augustus, declared himself the sole authority. But Augustus only got away with seizing power after the Republic’s citizenry had become tired of carrying the responsibility that comes with democracy. They didn’t want the vote anymore.
In his seminal work on history’s cycles, German historian Oswald Spengler predicted that by the year 2000 AD, Western civilization would enter a “pre-death emergency”, followed by 200 years of Caesarism. During this period, as explained in The Decline of the West, men willing to rule at all cost should rise to power.
Trump, an American Hero
This reminds of Donald Trump’s reaction immediately after the recent assassination attempt. After having been brought back to his feet, Trump, with a bloodied right ear, raised his fist in defiance, and shouted, “Fight! Fight! Fight!” The crowd responded with cheers and chants of “USA! USA! USA!”
This call and response between a leader and his following has undoubtedly forged an unbreakable emotional bond. Trump isn’t quitting. He’s signalling that, despite being 78 years of age, he is still strong enough, both physically and mentally, to take a bullet and defy death in the service of his nation.
All heroes must overcome their fear of death, and Donald Trump’s fearless response—demanding the Secret Service that he continue speaking—proves he has the courage. If no additional assassination attempts follow, since the Establishment has no other choice but to try again, there is no way the Democrats can win this election.
In fact, a Trump 2024 win may be the beginning of the end of the American election cycles. If Trump becomes the wartime President who either defeats or makes peace with China and Russia, then he may need to “postpone elections until further notice” the way Zelenskiy has already done in Ukraine.
Clearly, democracy already died in Ukraine, but Zelenskiy is no strongman. The precedent of abolishing elections has been set nonetheless.
The Coming Caesars
French scholar Amaury de Riencourt studied the future of the USA in his 1957 book The Coming Caesars, in which he compared Europe to Ancient Greece (the culture), and the USA to Ancient Rome (the civilization). De Riencourt pointed out Europe’s weakness, even predicting Brexit, Britain’s exit from the European Union:
European unity, alone, is a dream without any possibility of ever becoming a reality. The first insurmountable obstacle is Britain’s determined refusal to join, economically, politically, or militarily. The reason is obvious: Britain belongs half to Europe, half to the New World. The Channel may be only a moat but, psychologically, it is as wide as an ocean.
And also pointed to America’s strengths:
The psychological consequences of this new situation are far-reaching. With the collapse of their colonial empires, the European nations are gradually losing whatever global vision they had in the past. They dwindle in size, mentally as well as physically, becoming parochial and therefore, that much more subordinate. Meantime, America is gradually compelled to develop a worldwide vision and policy that no European nation can possibly match. The European countries shrink to the size of provincial fragments of a global puzzle that America alone can put together.
He believed “future crises” could transform a U.S. President into a Caesar:
In truth, no mental effort is required to understand that the President of the United States is the most powerful single human being in the world today. Future crises will inevitably transform him into a full-fledged Caesar, if we do not beware. Today he wears ten hats—as Head of State, Chief Executive, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Chief Legislator, Head of Party, Tribune of the People, Ultimate Arbitrator of Social Justice, Guardian of Economic Prosperity, and World Leader of Western Civilization. Slowly and unobtrusively, these hats are becoming crowns and this pyramid of hats is slowly metamorphosing itself into a tiara, the tiara of one man’s world imperium.
He added that “wars are the main harbingers of Caesarism.” Indeed, the looming war with China and Russia may be the trigger to transform the USA from a Republic into an Empire, explained as a Thucydides trap in the book Destined for War: Can America and China Escape Thucydides’s Trap? by Graham Allison.
Now If, but When?
The psychological climate is almost ripe.
… Most Romans were ready to admit the reality of Caesarism but not the symbol of a hated monarchy. It is not too different today.
… Americans will accept immense, almost autocratic power over them so long as they do not have to see in it a transcendent authority, and they will always attempt to “humanize” such authority with the help of humor or incongruity.
… Americans will accept immense, almost autocratic power over them so long as they do not have to see in it a transcendent authority, and they will always attempt to “humanize” such authority with the help of humor or incongruity.