The Open-Air Daycare Center Called 'Society'
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Is it still worth taking your money to the bank when the banks invest your money in low-quality migration schemes that benefit the rich?
What we used to call civilization has become a cash-grab, a financial exit scam, while the more competent workers are tricked into giving up their best years for the promise, but not the delivery, of better times to come.
You've been fooled. It's not going to get better anymore. We are living through the initial stages of a collapse that is about to accelerate. The avalanche hasn't started yet, but we can already feel the ground shake ominously.
Living at this point in the idiocracy, the very word 'society' has become a mockery of its former meaning. You can't replace intelligent men with buffoons and expect better outcomes. You can't expect decent people to want to work for a society that promotes buffoonery. We are literally better off going off-the-grid.
You can train a chimpanzee to ride a bike, but that's not evidence of its intelligence. It's evidence of the trainer's patience to work with animals.
Our countries have become open-air daycare facilities where you are classified into either caretaker or child based on the color of your skin. The children commit crimes with impunity, and the adults fool themselves into thinking their patience still matters.
But we never signed up for this burden. It's not our job to carry it any longer. I say, we stop investing our time and energy into maintaining the big cities, and we take our savings out to reinvest our efforts in small communities of like-minded souls, moving closer to the countryside where our kind of people may reboot itself.
It's time to leave the urban zoo. Urbanization and industrialization have served their purpose, and it has brought us tremendous material wealth. And yet, it hasn't brought us salvation, and it never will.
I've heard Paris is having trouble selling tickets for the Summer Olympics held there. I wonder what's changed? People have come to associate the place with terror, rape, and violence. They say they cleaned up the Seine river for the Olympic swimmers, but when will they clear out their streets?
By now, every young woman in the world should know she can't safely walk around the Eiffel Tower at night, or even by day, without getting harassed by men whose only claim to being French is their arrogance. Maybe if we submit to the rape of our nations, they won't kill us?
Again, what's the point of all this? Why are we even still organizing the Olympic Games when there's no reason to show off athleticism in these times of disarray? This really isn't the right moment for commercial entertainment. Shouldn't we be ending the wars in Ukraine and Gaza? Shouldn't we be restoring law and order at home?
For heavens' sakes, haven't we got more important things to do? No, the profit machinery wants things to go on as always, like a mindless dozer plowing through a field of rare flowers.
Twenty years ago, visiting Paris made me feel I was a peasant. Today, the streets of Paris make me feel I'm a colonial. But I'm not interested in taking care of that place.
It's time to pull the plug. They are not our children, and we are not their parents. We have the right to pursue a future that meets our needs.
I don't care to drive a brand-new Tesla though a Parisian banlieu. I'd rather melt it down and forge a couple of swords, for the future is going to be medieval.