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Our world is governed not by science but by the occult. What I’m suggesting is that science is nothing but an industrial light & magic show meant to fool civilians. Occultists and their ‘magicians’ are the true screenwriters of our reality. And secret sects such as the Rosicrucians or the Freemasons are but small branches of a dark conspiracy against mankind.
Search for books containing the words “The Occult Roots of (…)”, and you’ll find out that almost every influential movement of our time has occult roots. As a rule of thumb, occult thinkers often imagine certain belief systems long before they become adopted by the mainstream, and long before scientists get involved in researching them.
Nazism has occult roots, for example, but so does Bolshevism. The Bible has occult roots, but so does the modern scientific worldview. And so does post-genderism, the belief in a transgender or gender-neutral society.
Using propaganda, education, and other forms of manipulation, the common people are bred and raised to accept this or that new doctrine. What, then, is the grander vision of the most powerful occultists? What are they trying to achieve?
An Unchanging God-Mind?
Well, the occultists are using our whole reality to try and give birth to an “unchanging God-Mind”—an idea (apparently) first conceived by Philo Judaeus of Alexandria. Living in Greek-occupied Egypt, this Jewish scholar, from the time when Christ was said to have walked the earth, attempted to fuse Hebrew lore with Greek philosophy.
We still find an echo of this idea of a God-Mind in Einstein’s conception of a cosmological constant, and in the scientific worldview that posits its fundaments are based on unchanging laws and fixed constants. But, in retrospect, these immutable laws are really a Jewish cultural desire for constancy, projected outwardly as a new God.
Our conception of the universe was first detailed in the Corpus Hermeticum, apparently written by a man named Hermes Trismegistus (“thrice-great”), at least 1500 years before modern scientists claimed to have “discovered” any proof for it. Copernicus, the medieval astronomer who claimed the Earth revolves around the Sun, had simply copied his ideas from the Hermetic texts.
Indeed, Copernicus’ most ardent supporters … were occultists pushing for the Hermetic universe. The allegedly Egyptian(!) Hermes imagined there being a ‘universe’, a single body that contained all other celestial bodies. But no evidence for the existence of such a universe was ever given until the Hubble telescope’s famous pictures of the universe.
What’s In a Name?
I personally believe that the Corpus Hermeticum was written by the aforementioned Egyptian-Jewish Philo since it uses the style of Platonic dialogue to push the Jewish idea of a God-Mind born of the ‘modern’ universe. But was Philo really one author, or a group of authors?
In Greek myth, Hermes was the messenger and herald of the gods. The name Trismegistus probably refers to past-present-future, or, in other words, to Yahweh (whose name in Hebrew means all three in one). The full name Hermes Trismegistes could then mean “the messenger of Yahweh”.
So, our author fancies himself a prophet, namely the prophet of a future God-Mind that is to be born of the material universe. That’s a bit too much for a single author! It is likely, therefore, that a group of authors once hid behind the name of Philo/Hermes, i.e., an occult conspiracy: the Cabal.
[And if philosopher means lover of wisdom, perhaps Philo Judeaus means Lover of Jews. It's Yahweh again! Is the intended God-Mind also supposed to be Yahweh?]
Interestingly, the so-called atheist Richard Dawkins once said that “god is something that grows up in the universe”. Was he alluding to the god of Philo and Hermes? Then how is he still an atheist?
The Science Delusion
Now, are we supposed to believe that an ancient mystic (or group of mystics) simply “got it right”? Are we supposed to say that science, some 2,000 years later, just happened to stumble upon the appropriate evidence for the Hermetic belief system posited by “Hermes”? I don’t think so.
I think science simply “went along” with the Hermetic conception of the universe under the strong influence of occult sects. Scientists eventually started “discovering” the desired proofs for the Hermetic cosmos because occultists told them where to look. It suggests that modern science is merely doing the footwork for the occult, though unknowingly.
Science, at least in our time, has built up a very strong authority, and occultists are merely using scientific authority to push their desired outcomes. Scientists almost never played a role in conceiving the early imaginations of the occult.
A Satanic Cult Made the Earth Revolve around the Sun
Did you know the Jews’ Star of David originally represented the Sun, and that its six points identified the six known planets? (Before modern telescopes discovered more planets, there were only six visible to the human eye at night.) The Star of David thus represented a heliocentric cult linked back to a certain ‘scientific’ period of Ancient Egyptian history.
This Sun-centric or heliocentric worldview places the Sun (the fire, the light, Lucifer) at the heart of our ‘solar’ system. Instead of having Lucifer bow to the will of humanity, the Sun-centric cult now bears the hallmark of an occult sect that (successfully) demoted humanity to serve Lucifer.
If you knew that the entire Hebrew alphabet is supposed to resemble a flame when put together (i.e. the Star of David, i.e., the Sun, i.e. Lucifer) then perhaps you will realize that the Sun-centric solar system is itself the expression of a Satanic cult that has successfully indoctrinated all of mankind.
The Siren’s Song
What the occultists call “progress” is really their “transformation” of the world into their unchanging God-Mind. It implies the destruction or de-construction of physical reality itself, the fusion of all with all, the erasure of male and female, the fusion of all the erases (“tikkun olam”, heal the world), effectively, it means the collapse of time and space into a giant Nothingness.
As with the Siren’s song, the occultists have lured humanity to them. As with the Pied Piper, the occultists will lead humanity to its downfall.
It is, in my view, of greatest priority that we start breaking humanity out of the Occult Deception of the David-Star Cult (the Cabal, the Church of Satan). We should democratize the occult and allow people to have a stronger personal bond with the cosmos, so that each family, clan, or tribe of people may live independently from globalists-universalistic manipulations.