The Cult of Rape Enablers
What Unites LGBT with Mass Immigration, Race Mixing, Crime, War, and Islam?
A violation of healthy needs; rape. That’s what ties together LGBT with mass immigration, race mixing, crime, war, and the Islamization of the West. What we are experiencing as the decline of our people’s wellbeing can be summed up as the cult of rape enablers. It is, first and foremost, a moral decline, not a financial one.
I hit my head under the shower this morning, and then it dawned upon me: mass immigration is a form of rape. And so is the whole LGBT spectrum pushed onto the youngest generations. And so is the incessant race-mixing propaganda on mainstream TV, always showing white women with black and brown men. The Islamization of the public sphere, too.
All of it is a form of rape in some manner, be it physical, mental, emotional, demographic, cultural, psychological, or otherwise. But the phenomena are not natural or organic. They are created by design. They are created by an elite of rape enablers.
We, however, are dealing with a political overclass that is defined by rape trauma. Rapists—and the victims they recruit—are in charge of what we call ‘globalism’ or even Western civilization, and it wouldn’t surprise me if similar traumatized individuals are also in charge of, say, Indian, Russia, China and the rest of the BRICS clan.
President Macron of France really did marry an old man he started dating when he was 15, and the perpetrator 40—when Brigitte still had a penis. Now it wouldn’t surprise me if Barack Obama, who once referred to himself as a gay prince, married his Michael. Or that late Henry Kissinger’s bulky wife is also a man.
There is a word for this rule-by-the-worst-of-people. It’s called a kakistocracy. Such a political system can recruit its own victims. This is how they perpetuate the lineages of psychopaths, since psychopathy is largely a socialization problem rather than genetic. Indeed, many a powerful psychopath must feel appalled at the apparent normalcy of their offspring.
A kakistocracy breeds its own. Those who come into touch with the kakistocracy become affected by it, as though it were a clan of vampires infecting and grooming each other. This is the reason why healthy, meaning morally normal people, can never seem to break through on the stage of political, military, or financial power. You have to be a vampire to get in.
We are living under the spell of a Satanic system that perpetuates itself through inflicting extreme forms of abuse onto an unsuspecting populace. Perhaps we are entirely wrong to think that these types are motivated by money. They can create their own money through their control of the printing presses. It’s not money they want. It’s rape on a global scale that they’re after, namely to soother their twisted desires.
These psychopaths in charge of humanity don’t care about economic growth, they care about growing the number of victims under their spell. They don’t care about commercial TV, they care about using TV and media to bring more people in to their cult, the cult of perpetuated, intergenerational abuse.
In fact, I am now convinced that the so-called “ruling classes” of this kakistrocacy were all severely abused and damaged as children—by members of their own in-crowd. As a result, they have become like their abusers, and they have a strong psychological need, if not a sexual drive, to pass the abuse on to others.
With mass immigration, they can rape an entire society. With Islam, they can rape Christianity. Thanks to hordes of single migrant males and teens coming in to Europe and the USA, they can rape the society’s White women. With the LGBT cult (backed by the corporations they own!), they can rape the minds of the youngest generations. And so on, and so forth.
Don’t make the mistake to think it is men in suits doing all the damage. I spoke of the cult of rape enablers, suggesting it’s also the women behind the scenes using men in suits to enact their revenge-rape fantasies against a people they seem to deeply hate. Imagine Jewish women using mass migration to rape non-Jewish White women.
Our people are neither prepared nor aware of the possibility that our societies have been taken over by a kakistocracy of rape enablers who will stop at nothing until we have been raped to death, driven to extinction, due to the loss of our will to live.
It is at this point, though, that we must reestablish a sense of authority. We need an authority stronger than the kakistocracy, an authority that brings back the moral footing we seem to have lost. We need solid grounds to stand on so that we can initiate a pushback against the sick and twisted people in charge.
What we need is an authoritarian politics and an authoritarian religion founded on the principles of aristocracy, the rule of the best. That precisely does not mean we won’t be able to do evil against evildoers. It means we will obliterate evil, once and for all.
We can start by communicating to younger generations what their rights are. The right to integrity and care, for example. The right to be supported and loved. The right to have their violators jailed or deported rather than awarded citizenship. Our people have the right to live in a society that does not tolerate crimes against the native or founding peoples.
What we need, in short, is Bukele, the leader of El Salvador. Bukele, in just a few years’ time, managed to arrest so many violent and twisted men that his country has now become the safest in the Western hemisphere. He fought Satan and he won. Nothing less is to be expected of a country literally named The Savior.
Europe must do the same. We must embrace the fact that the belief in the Savior still lingers among the hearts of our kinsmen. Let us rekindle this faint belief into a fire, able to consume the evil in our societies.
Kakistocrats, go to hell.