A Finnish researcher confirmed that the British Royal Navy planted the bombs that later destroyed the Nordstream gas pipeline that provided German industry with cheap energy. Elite DTXG diving team members operated from the HMS Ambush submarine, likely during a NATO exercise in the area.
However, the USA was equally involved as well. The bombs were remote-detonated at a later date via so-called sonobuoys, detonated via aircraft that flew over the site. Aircraft that even refueled mid-air over Northern German airspace. Norwegian authorities apparently supplied the US with intelligence about the operation.
Neither Norway nor the UK are members of the European Union. But does it really matter to us, mainland Europeans, whether the UK or the US bombed our energy infrastructure? Either way, we need to quit being so naive about our so-called Anglo-American “NATO partners”, for their leadership is unmistakably our enemy.
One might argue that Germans have been fighting for Great Britain ever since the start of the First World War. The last genuine pro-German leader was Otto von Bismarck—who unified German in 1873—but after Kaiser Wilhelm the II took to the throne, German elites set course on a pro-British path.
After all, one of the Kaiser’s grandmothers was Queen Victoria. Against the advice of Von Bismarck, Wilhelm II began rebuilding the German navy, namely to serve as an extension of British power in the Baltic Sea.
We don’t like to say it but Germany today is as much as colony of the former British Empire as the USA is. The independence won after the American Revolutionary War, a conservative revolution that had freed Americans from British rule, was effectively undone again by the formation of NATO.
With NATO, the US was brought back under the Queen’s wings. And after 1945, Germany became a nation occupied by American troops. Though the Russians eventually departed from Eastern Germany with the fall of both the Soviet Empire and the Berlin wall, the Americans stayed—and they began promoting Negroe music and mixed-race marriages for European women to this day.
Why, after all, did 80% of German soldiers die fighting Stalin’s Russia? Why did Hitler relentlessly point to the threat of Soviet Bolshevism? Why did Hitler, until 1939, believe the British would back his in this was, and feigned surprise when the British didn’t? (See Max Domarus’ four volumes.)
Why didn’t Churchill attack the Germans at all, not until after the Germans lost the battle at Stalingrad (today’s St. Petersburg)? Because the German “Nazi conspiracy” was another projection of British power, and the Germans had been fooled into dying for wars for globalism, just as the Ukrainians have now lost a whole generation to the same British project.
This war of great powers—Russia and Britain—used to be called The Great Game. It was the game of empires, and the winner was going to take the world. Meanwhile, a third potential candidate has announced itself: China. China’s massive soft-power influence throughout the world must not be underestimated. It is likely that China controls both Obama and Biden, and also Putin can’t do anything without Chinese support.
China, in my view, is exploiting the old Anglo-Russian rivalry by playing both sides. Indeed, the Chinese have learned much from the European and American Jews, whom they openly praise.
If my belief in right that China is playing both sides, then Europe will become a wasted zone regardless of the outcome of this conflict. And it is for that reason, that I say Europe needs new leadership. We need the sort of leadership of an Otto von Bismarck to take the helm at Europe’s future.
By breaking away from NATO and from the Anglo-American sphere, Europeans will be able to negotiate independent energy deals with either the Arabs, the Russians, or other parties. None are favorable over the others, though an alliance with Russian resources is only natural, since the Russian people, at least, are mostly White, Christian, and they share our European culture.
An independent Europe can also deal with China. With a strong German industry, we can build the defense systems we need to guard against both Chinese soft influence and Anglo-American aggression.
In all likelihood, a European breakaway from the Anglo system implies a most certain collapse of the U.S. economy. It means there will be war. If European can briefly ally with Russia in order to defeat the British-American war machinery, will we still be able to remain independent from Russia’s Eurasian duginism afterward?
The answer is: yes. European, for a long time to come, will become an unconquerable place—for Europeans, Christians, and creative people. For we shall turn Europe into a religious Sparta, a new Hoy Roman Empire from Ireland to the Ural mountains.