The earliest Europeans, the Cro Magnon, may or may not have had slightly more tanned skin. Scientists cannot actually determine this as fact. But these early Europeans still had the same European faces that we have today, namely with a snub nose, straight hair, and a typical European cranial morphology. In short, they would have looked very much like modern white Europeans.
In fact, modern white Europeans are the only living descendants of these ancient Britons and ancient Europeans. Cheddar Man, for example, was even less related to Sub-Saharan Africans than white Europeans are today. White Europeans alive today are more related to Cheddar Man than any other group of people, for these Western Hunter-Gatherers are actually one of our ancestral groups.
That doesn’t stop Afrocentrists, however, from claiming that Stonehenge was built by Negroid-looking West Africans. Because they were “black”, get it? Just as they now claim that Negroid-looking Africans also built the Chinese Wall, ancient Egypt, and the Pantheon in Rome. Unsurprisingly, we find absolutely no connection to these ancient architectures in the archaeological records of, say, Nigeria or Kenya.
The wheel wasn’t introduced to sub-Saharan Africa until Europeans brought it over on their sailboats. Africans arriving in Europe today have to borrow rubber dhingies given to them by the United Nations to get across the Mediterranean Sea. (Yet they consider themselves “colonizers” bringing “karma” to the still far more technologically advanced and culturally superior Europeans.)
Part of the confusion stems from the English word “black”. It can mean both Sub-Saharan African when referring to ethnicity, or it can mean black-coloured. So “black people” run with the confusion and assume anything touched by slightly tanned people must have been made by Negroids. This, in itself, would be a childish though utterly ludicrous misconception, but there’s more:
What if black people, as a race, are actually mentally ill?
What if the reason an African-American woman like Candace Owens—who straightens her hair, has had her lips thinned and has had a nose job to look more white—can think she’s a conservative “white” woman is simply that she’s mentally ill? What if the reason black people, collectively, think that ancient Egyptians were a Negroid race, even though Negroids are consistently depicted on Egyptian hieroglyphs as slaves and victims of war, is that they’re mentally ill?
What if the general black inability to distinguish themselves, their culture, and their history from other races is a mental disorder? And does this mental illness perhaps relate to black children’s inability to recognize themselves in a mirror? Indeed, white children learn to recognize themselves in a mirror at around 12 to 18 months. But many Negroid black children don’t seem to recognize themselves in the mirror until their early teens—and most definitely can’t do it before at least age 5.
Dolphins, by the way, can see themselves in the mirror at around 6 months. So the argument that “white people had the privilege of growing up with mirrors and that’s why they acquired the cultural skills to recognize themselves” certainly doesn’t apply to dolphins, and definitely doesn’t explain why black children cannot see themselves in the mirror. Aren’t we supposed to be equal, anyway?
If I had to give the black mental illness a name, I would simply call it mind blindness. They cannot see themselves, and therefore, they cannot see the difference between themselves and others either. They are mind-blind.
To give another example: African = black. Right? Wrong. North Africans were never “black”. They were never Negroid. Only Sub-Saharan Africans were ever “black” because the Negroid types had been living there in total seclusion from the rest of humanity for at least 160,000 years, in Western and Central Africa, until the Arabs and later the Europeans and the Asians began dealing with them.
Only during the Medieval times, when Muslim slave traders brought black slaves to North Africa, did some intermix. And that’s why some North African groups now have up to 5-10% Negroid DNA. The admixture is modern in origin. The ancient Moors, for example, weren’t Negroid. They weren’t “black”, nor were the Moroccan Amazingh. And so on, and so forth. The pre-Arab North Africans simply were never black. They were happily separated from the black by a massive Sahara desert.
Although it’s wrong to call North Africans “white”, it is even more wrong to call them “black”. But Negroid Sub-Saharan Africans, again, cannot grasp the difference between North Africans and Sub-Saharan Africans. And that’s more evidence of the wholesale mind blindness found among Negroid peoples.
You see, no one claims that ancient Egyptians were Germans. But ancient Egyptians, like most North Africans of the past, were never Sub-Saharan blacks either. When black people now start claiming they built the pyramids and Stonehenge, there’s just something deeply wrong with them.
They are mentally ill.