According to some research, white and black males more easily grow muscle naturally compared to Asian males, though black males slightly more than whites. Still, Northern Europeans dominate the international strongman competitions, suggesting “black muscle” is a lot of bloat without substance, like inflatable Michelin Men.
Indeed, some men carry muscle to look good, others specifically to do damage. And that is what I call the dark side of the West. We’re not here for fun. We’re not here to win the beauty competition—even though our women and their colorful eyes and hair consistently do. We’re here to do damage. (“The West”, of course, refers to a people, not a place.)
In psychoanalysis, one’s dark side or shadow is the part of one’s personality we prefer to hide from the public. It may be that we feel ashamed for certain behaviors because we were punished for expressing them. And no, this doesn’t mean men have a feminine side or some other moralistic-esoteric nonsense. Rather, your dark side is where you put your greatest strengths, ones you are ashamed of using.
Some men have tremendous verbal power. They know they could disintegrate someone’s confidence within seconds by blasting insults at a volume so loud it would paralyze your music teacher. But they choose to hide it because the power is too dangerous to use in normal situations. Unless abnormal situations call for the power to be released.
And we are living in such abnormal times. We have become a race of people pleasers, trying to avoid conflict with pretty much everyone who looks non-white. That’s why our only permissible war at the moment is that war against the white Russians. Were we, however, free to put our strengths on display, we would be fighting all of the Middle East, all of Africa, all of India, and all of China all at once.
The West’s dark side is our unsatiable desire for war and conquest. Our lust for blood. Our desire is to put others in their place in the divine hierarchy, namely below us. How much longer will men of the West be able to keep up their people-pleasing appearances? The answer is self-evident. We’re long done being nice.
From anti-white commercials that mock white men to gender-bending homework requirements meant to sabotage our young, we have suffered a barrage of media-inflicted hate, and yet, we have not allowed ourselves the appropriate response to lifetimes of humiliation!
That response is now beating the drums, and as the pounding sound swells to orgasmic numbers of decibels, the world can only sweat in fear knowing its provocations have gone too far, and the white man unleashes his Teutonic Fury.
It was Roman general Marcellus who, overlooking a valley, noticed the Germanic males of the Cimbri tribe happily bathing in the lake, apparently worry-free, while his own Roman soldiers holed up in their hilltop encampment could only tremble in fear, refusing to fight the Germans.
In a man-to-man combat, the bigger, taller, more aggressive German men could easily devour a Roman soldier. White men, today, are still the tallest, biggest men worldwide. We have nothing to fear but the echo of our own roar.
Let it out.