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Quietly Reading into the Night

Destined to Lead

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I was wrong to suspect that Barack Obama was having a third term presidency, using President Joe Biden as his puppet in the White House. Now I think it's a first Hillary Clinton term using Jill Biden's Office as her front to hide behind.

The Obamas, of course, are pulling Vice President Kamala Harris's strings. So it's interesting that Biden came on stage lately, openly declaring Harris unfit for the presidency.

This points to a rift between the Clintons and the Obamas who seem to hate each other behind the scenes. The Obamas will push hard to make Harris their President, whereas Clinton may be forced to run against Trump herself. Déjà vu!

But neither the Clintons nor the Obamas are rich enough to buy elections. Even they have to have billionaire backers funding their advertising campaigns.

So it becomes a game of who can promise to give the most to a shadowy billionaire elite. Elections, then, come at the expense of ordinary people. Their future is sold off for profit. Even Trump, recently, sounded like a car salesman because he needs Elon Musk's Tesla money to sustain his campaign.

If any of this even remotely resembles the political reality of the USA, then everything is a plot and everything is a scam. We are voting for profits and fighting for wars to keep economies running but the interests of finance often go against the mores of the people.

Gender-affirmative care, for example, is big business because it puts people on a lifetime trajectory of experimental medicine and surgery. The rainbow cult guarantees the rise of a new industry of artificial wombs and designer-babies born in incubation facilities.

So this is where their idea of transhumanism comes from. Genetic updates as a monthly subscription service, just the way Microsoft Windows sends you bug fixes.

I'd like to know what is even the grand vision of the United States at this point? It seems to be: Do whatever it takes to keep the billionaire class rich and powerful. Even if we have to sacrifice tens of millions of people in a Third World War, we must do everything necessary to save the rich.

The USA is being ruled by a mafia. And I'd like to know why these American billionaires seem to hate White men so much in particular?

If money is all this overclass believes in, then does the hatred for white men come from this fact that white men promote a culture of saving up money rather than spending and squandering it?

A culture of quietly reading into the night to learn more about certain topics, rather than splurging one's wealth in one night at the club? A do-it-yourself culture of building it at home, working in one's garage, making oneself as independent as possible from the consumer culture all around?

A culture of competency. A superior culture.

Is this why the billionaire class hates white men? Is it because they can't monetize us? Is it because the destruction of the nation with mass immigration opens up financial opportunities to make money off of chaos?

Problems exist because the solutions are profitable. They can sell the sick medication. They can sell the weak help. They can sell the ugly beauty products. But there's nothing they can sell to a man who doesn't need anything.

To be honest, I don't get it. I really don't understand why the American-led Western civilization hates its own men so much. It seems that the wealth everyone else is after derives from the very culture we pioneered. It comes with a library card.

If you say reading is an act of white supremacy, no wonder you are poor. An empty, uneducated mind can never conceive of the sort of solutions necessary to build and maintain this kind of civilization. And without such principles, the wealth will disappear like snow melting in the sun.

It is, however, our people's wake-up call. It's time for our kind of men to start walking out, and to begin again with a new grand vision. We will cut loose from globalism but hold on to our principles. We will work in our garages and read into the night.

While others feverishly squander their wealth, and an anguish cry they be given more, we shall put ourselves in charge of the future by doing the necessary work up front.

We win with words and patience. We win by being the first to imagine a new future that others can only migrate to. We will always stay ahead of the pack, for we are destined to lead.

To us, the collapse of the big cities in the West, is not a loss, but a write-off, an opportunity to break free and begin again.

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