
Masks Off: How the Alt-Right Became the Woke Right

The Planned and Targeted Subversion of the Western Family Model

Polygamy is most commonly practiced in North Africa—but North Africans are ethnically Semites, just like Arabs and Jews. Under the guise of “feminism”, Semitic activists deeply embedded among us have long worked to transform the patriarchal monogamy of the West into a Semitic system of polygamy.

Namely, to erase the foundations of patriarchal White culture and the roots of the White race, and to turn us into a matriarchy. Polygamy and rape are in fact features, not bugs, of the matriarchy, meant to both exclude beta-males from power, and to terrorize beta-females into submission (due to the constant threat of gang rape if they dare to venture outside alone).

Since the end of World War 2, we’ve witnessed a series of policy changes meant to attack the Western model.

During the 1950s, pregnancies for young women became “taboo”. But it wasn’t because of the 1950s conservative morality. It was due to the feminist undercurrent, not yet fully exposed, that was already working to drive childless (White) women into the workforce.

Then came contraceptives. You see, people were having too many children in the 1950s. We needed to stop White families from having more children so we could open the borders to brown immigrants later. Condoms have been around for longer, but they were deemed patriarchal since the man controls their use.

So, “we” invented the Pill, a hormone-altering medicine that leaves women temporarily infertile, but which also made women less interested in having sex. The Pill became widely adopted around 1990, after which, as expected, White birth rates started plummeting in Western Europe and other wealthier Western nations.

In a country such as The Netherlands, the indigenous White population stopped growing around 1990 and began its shrinking decline right when the Pill became the most popular contraceptive for young women.

The subversive attack on White people didn’t stop there. By the 1960s, Western Europe and the USA opened their borders to mass immigration from southern peoples. In Europe, we had to start welcoming Turkish and North African Muslims by the millions. In the USA, Mexicans. Not the White-ish Catholic Mexicans, but the pagan tribal Mexicans.

Then followed attacks on the family itself: gay marriage, LGBT, and ultimately transgenderism were pushed onto the people. Transgenderism in particular is now promoted as an excuse to castrate White boys.

Feminists began promoting abortions. In 2023, American women participated in a combined death toll of over 1 million abortions. Almost 1 in 4.5 fetuses were aborted. Some 22.5% of all children conceived were flushed down the bloodstained drains of abortion facilities.

Had these babies not been aborted, the USA would not have needed immigration from anywhere. In fact, the USA would have had a population surplus and would have needed to emigrate more people abroad.

Meanwhile, feminism pushed more young women into the household by making it impossible to buy a house on a single salary. The disturbance of the Western patriarchal family continued now by promoting polyandry (under the communist Left’s influence) and polygamy (under Islam’s influence).

They even started pushing for pedophilia.

And still, the attack on the Western family model didn’t end there. Then came 27-year-old Press Secretary Leavitz married to a 60+-year-old billionaire. Then came Elon Musk and his IVF-inseminated concubines on a pay-per-appearance financial scheme.

And then came the Woke Right, congratulating former ‘sex laptops’ for contracting a child from Elon Musk.

I don't believe these women even care about the genes. Low-fitness people can also mass procreate. Their offspring just won’t last very long. Know that urban people are today’s electoral majorities, but does that really mean urbanites will outlive the rural resisters?

To the concubine, the baby is an accessory. It's about the money and the lifestyle it now buys. With Elon's money, the concubine won't have to raise the child herself anyway. It's just pure greed, not much different from women who sell their unborn to a gay couple.

The Immoral Right is no better than the Woke Left. These are the effects of a world centered around money.

This is the world that shall be crushed by The Reaction.