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Masculinity Under Attack

Or How to Deal with the Push to Make the West Polygamous and Matriarchal

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Imagine the government hates you, and you go to see a psychologist about it. And then the psychologist tells you, you need to learn to forgive the government.

It's getting even worse nowadays. If you even dare to criticize the government, you're sent off to jail. There was a person in the UK recently due to these riots and so on under Keir Starmer that she tweeted or said something like, I don't want my taxes to go to immigrants.

20 months in jail just for stating that on some, some Facebook mom, right? What's going on in the Western world? Something is going deeply wrong.

And I figure it's that for the past 100 or 200 years or so, there has been a feminist movement pushing to undermine what they perceive as the Christian patriarchy. They say that Christianity is too masculine or too focused on the masculine and doesn't leave enough room for the feminine, by which they mean the feminine world of feelings and imagination.

In this super feminine world, your feelings are always the truth, no matter what you feel, it's always true, and your imaginations are your reality. And so that completely goes against the world of the manly minds who perceive there to be things like logic, rules, law and order, and so on, right? Rational thinking.

These super feminists they even go so far as to say that they hate thinking at all they want you just to feel just listen to your body and what do you feel whatever you feel is right, but we have a problem here because clearly this movement that has been trying to undermine the fundaments of western civilization is deeply traumatizing boys in schools, in the education system, and in the media and so on.

Boys are basically taught to think more like a woman, to be more in touch with their feelings, but always at the expense of their naturally masculine ways of thinking, their ways of doing things, right? So why would that be a problem? Why would the masculine all of a sudden be a problem in our world?

So I think this matriarchal feminist movement is going too far. They are damaging something that is supposed to be there. There's supposed to be this masculine counterweight that tells these women, you can have all the feelings you want and all the imaginations to go with it.

But that doesn't mean you can organize a society that way. Certainly not a globe with 8 billion people. It requires some things like law and order in order to take into account everybody else's feelings. Everybody has feelings, so you can't always have what you want. You're going to have to do this in a global interplay with other people.

Now, there are various systems like nationalism say, OK, we're not going to worry too much about the rest of the world. We're going to focus on our group of people, the people of shared birth and so on.

But clearly what I'm getting at is I foresee only a sort of masculinist counter-revolt at some point that is going to push back against this hyper-feminine nonsense that is simply going too far. We need to make it very clear to the women, you know, here's where we draw the line.

There are rules beyond this point. We're not going to turn Europe into some kind of matriarchal society where polygamy becomes the norm, which is what they're trying to do.

That's just not going to happen.

We're not going to do that.

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