Is the Trans Movement the Devil's Doing?
Having read M. Scott Peck’s book People of the Lie, I began to wonder whether the trans movement is also a form of demonic possession. Have our societies, that seek to castrate children at ever earlier ages, become possessed by the Devil?
In his book, Peck equates malignant narcissism to true demonic evil. Malignant narcissists are people who have to deceive themselves in order to believe they are perfect. Through their self-deception, they also end up deceiving others, whether overtly or covertly. The malignant narcissist, then, is trapped inside a self-inflicted evil that hurts not only their loved ones but also society at large.
What greater malignant narcissist might there exist than a mother who believes her boy is now a girl, and that society needs to call her boy a girl, too, “or else”? This mother is deceiving herself and society at large, while her boy remains trapped in an evil situation built around him by his mother. Such a boy may not be able to call his mother’s authority into question.
Indeed, recently, more and more Western mothers appear to be calling for the castration of their own sons and daughters, though in most cases they are targeting their sons. Since the majority of transgenders are male-to-female, we may conclude it is more about the emasculation of boys than about occasional gender dysphoria.
The supporters of transgenderism for teenagers and children don’t call it “castration”, of course. They call it “gender-affirmative care”, but it is surgical care that includes the removal of sex organs, breast tissue, and even some girls’ wombs. These children will never be able to have children of their own when they grow up. They are sterilized human beings.
One mother lamented that her 5-year-old “daughter” (the boy she made to wear dresses to school by age 5) may no longer have access to such gender-affirmative care. She means she wants to have her boy castrated. Clearly, the decision to do so is the mother’s. The boy, in all likelihood, is just trying to feel loved by his mother, complying with her fictionalized reality. The boy doesn’t know his mother is possessed by the Devil, and that the crimes committed against him are crimes against humanity.
One medical doctor, Dr. Kristy Rialon, who was working at the Texas Children’s Hospital, was performing castrations on teenage boys as young as 11 years old. As a colorectal surgeon, she was using parts of the boys’ rectum to create fake vaginas. Such neovaginas amount to a permanent gaping wound where their penis used to be.
Last year, at Vanderbilt Children’s Hospital, some girls as young as 14 years old even had their wombs surgically removed. And at Kaiser Permanente in Oakland, California, surgeons have been removing 12-year-old girls’ breast tissue—for gender reasons.
In The Netherlands, a rectal-vagina operation led to the death of a 14-year-old boy who died of an e.coli infection on the operating table, while being castrated and fitted with a fake vagina made of parts of his rectum.
All of this is pure insanity. This is demonic. This is a cult of child haters out to have the next generation neutered. It is self-genocide. And it is being applauded by armies of politicians, journalists, educators, therapists, influencers, and surgeons.
The adults involved in this demonic work are not only committing crimes against humanity but they are also possessed by the Devil, doing the Devil’s work.
The adult surgeons, therapists, influencers, and others, including politicians, involved in having the youngest generations castrated deserve the death penalty. And the societies that condone these operations need a nationwide exorcism.