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Germany’s former African colony Namibia is one of the world’s largest producers of uranium. Germany could have given itself clean and cheap nuclear energy for ages to come. But it chose to embark on a path of deindustrialization instead. This process famously started with Angela Merkel under the theme of “Energiewende” (the energy transition).

In hindsight, one might even suspect that the whole story of “climate change” was particularly invented in order to justify Germany’s—and thereby Europe’s—deindustrialization. Germany being Europe’s economic engine, the collapse of German industry signifies the death of Europe. Europe would become a mere museum, or a consumer market for other players, notably the USA.

Meanwhile, Poland and France, Germany’s neighbors, will continue expanding their nuclear energy supply. Over 60% of France’s energy is generated from nuclear. And Poland wants to start building 30 new reactors in the near future using American investors to offer funding.

It begs the question: Was Merkel an American spy sent to destroy German industry, using climate change scaremongering as the weapon of choice?