Hail Your Ethnicity, Because You're Not a Passport
U.S. citizens often say, “We’re all Americans.” But not all Germans are German. That is because U.S. citizenship isn’t an ethnicity, whereas being German or French or Polish is. And it explains why Europeans don’t like immigration. Ethnicity isn’t a cheap matter, either. It’s not something you’re offered with a McDonald’s Happy Meal: knowing your ethnicity defines the nature of your soul.
But the French government seems to have misunderstood this assignment. By giving out passports to random migrants from France’s former colonies, such as Algeria and several black African nations, the French bureaucracy believed it could replicate the American model. Americans, after all, once became a powerful empire after forging a new Christian nation from Europe’s many emigrants.
France, in turn, wanted to forge a black counterpart to the USA, a cheaper version USA, namely by making the inhabitants of its former colonies believe they, too, could become “French”. Since France still controls the economies of about 14 African nations, and since many of those nations’ inhabitants speak French, the idea was simple. Give everyone who wants to come to France a passport and tell them they are now real French people.
France’s all-black soccer team, for example, was supposed to solidify the deal. France was supposed to become the capital of black Central Africa, and form the beginnings of a further fusion between Europe and Africa into Eurafrica.
However, the riots that took place under the hashtag #FranceHasFallen betray a very different reality. France’s attempt to create an African-Islamic knock-off-USA in the heart of Europe has resulted in the near complete destruction of France, threatening even the continued survival of the European Union. A French bankruptcy might ultimately put an end to that moloch. At least, I hope so.
And that is because being French is still an ethnicity. Migrants coming to France understand that very well: in order to be French, one has to have pale skin, for example. What worked in the United States can never work in Europe. Europe is not a melting pot of random people but rather a time-tested patchwork of ethnicities. Native Europeans will never fuse with Africans to satisfy globalist dreams of inclusion.
A commenter on my Telegram channel further elaborated:
Living with Whites isn’t a human right. We have a right to have our own countries and live with our own people. We have a right not to not help other races, and to help only our own people. To not share our inventions like a penicillin or glasses.
In my youth I was an ardent multiculturalist believing Jewish propaganda “diversity is a strength”, … It is a hell hole, I’m surrounded by bitter, violent, low IQ people.
White isn’t about skin color which is why low- IQ light skinned non-European heritage people are confused. All they see is skin color. Jews are never considered White yet they too can have blue eyes and blonde hair. African albinos have light skin, but are never considered European because their parents were not White.
The Founding Fathers of the USA created the 1790 immigration act. Only “free Whites of good character” could be naturalized US citizens. They never meant Iranians. They meant those with European heritage, with the same Christian background. It was a brilliant experiment which worked exceedingly well.
It’s why Zionists & a Jew passing as White in Congress had to upend the USA’s 1790 immigration act that worked for 200 years, replacing it with the 1965 Hart-Celler act, ushering in the age of White genocide aka multiculturalism.