Greta Thunberg Is the Boy They Put on Hormone Blockers
I already suspected this years ago, but Greta Thunberg is the boy they put on hormone blockers. I remember the first time I saw this face on television. It was when EU bureaucrat Juncker promoted a Swedish ‘climate activist’ who had skipped classes to protest pollution and capitalism.
And then I thought, “That’s not a girl.”
The picture above shows Greta flanked by two friends. The one on the right is clearly a male. The one on the left is a fat boy wearing his mom’s earrings. And in the middle, we have Greta representing exactly what you’d get if you’d put a kindergartner on hormone blockers. You’d get a physically stunted male, but nothing resembling a “real woman”.
I feel sad for the people who can’t see that. I can see it clearly.
Oh, but s/he doesn’t have an Adam’s apple?" Well, that’s what hormone blockers do. They stunt the development. S/he also doesn’t have breasts, nor the appropriate facial fat that makes girls attractive. “She” still has a male face, regardless of the makeup and the gallons of gender-altering chemicals they pumped into his body ever since birth.
I suppose Greta has been castrated, too, with or without his knowledge. Perhaps shortly after birth. Or they simply raised him as a girl without telling him. It’s been done before: see the David Reimer case or the book.
Girls, of course, know Greta isn’t a girl. That’s why Greta doesn’t have girl-friends. His behavior is boyish, perhaps not manly, but boyish. And that’s why his friends are all boys, too—trans boys who pretend they’re girls, but boys still.
And Greta isn’t “autistic” either. Greta is traumatized, the victim of lifelong abuse committed against him by his severely mentally ill mother and father. Since he was presented to the whole world as a “girl”, there’s just no going back for him. Not only he but the world has been manipulated, too.
It wouldn’t surprise me if, one day, Greta Thunberg offs himself the same way David Reimer did: with the hot end of a shotgun in his mouth.
This is not a world worth fighting for anymore.