Until about a century ago, almost 90% of the world’s technological innovations came from the blue zone pictured above, i.e., the West-European heartland, also the place of birth of Charlemagne, and the economic spine of the Holy Roman Empire that ruled for a 1,000 years.
Today, European innovation has all but died out and has been completely superseded by the USA (and China). What, then, is to become of the 740 million Europeans living in the continent of Europe if they no longer contribute to human advancement? Well, Europeans, tired of material life, may look inward to find spiritual revival.
Europe has become politically and geostrategically irrelevant, says Greece’s former Finance minister Yanis Varoufakis. Europe has become a cache of wealthy people unwilling to put up a fight to maintain their beneficial condition. And so, they will lose it.
Indeed, the USA has had a policy of immigrating in the brightest minds from Europe, India, and elsewhere, in order to prop up its technological supremacy. And the US has succeeded. But what Europeans have lost in material terms, we may regain in terms of spiritual strength.
You see, the USA didn’t and couldn’t attract the more spiritual-minded geniuses of the Old World. America only attracted greedy technocrats. Europe, therefore, still possesses a (dormant) spiritual-religious strength wholly lacking from American society, and never present in China to begin with.
Having visited the USA myself on several long occasions (two summers and additional travels), I often couldn’t stand the stench of quick-profit schemes all around. The level of detachment Americans can feel toward fellow human beings unless they can make money off of them is mind-bogglingly astonishing. The fakery is indescribable. U.S. culture is spiritually shallow.
We, Europeans, presently have no singular leader—neither France’s Macron nor Germany’s Scholz can lead Europe. We have no strongmen, and Von der Leyen is no strongwoman either. We are being flooded with immigrants who are, in the Pope’s words, supposed to “rejuvenate” the continent, presumably through the mass gang rapes of lower-class white women already decades in the running.
In such a scenario, Europe is likely to be invaded by Russians, Turks, Arabs, North Africans, and Central Africans. And that sort of Europe will end up being ruled by the usual Semites who also ruled ancient Egypt, believing, yet again, that they are crafting the dreamed Global Open Society, using Brussels instead of Thebes as the starting point for a global government.
And then what? Will a low-IQ “juvenile delinquent” Europe, incapable of technological progress or any form of socio-cultural advancement be able to compete with the USA or China? No, it won’t. The Open Society is going to be a stillbirth.
Regardless of African athleticism or Islamic intuition, there simply won’t be a revitalized Europe. Rather, a European Third World shall emerge from the blackness. Europe will become like Brazil, a large territory incapable of playing a meaningful role in global affairs, governed by a white bourgeoisie trying to ‘fix the race’ by interbreeding with other white-ish people.
I have a different vision. It is alright for Europe and Europeans to abandon the track of materialism. We realize, and will realize, that true human advancement doesn’t come from slowly crawling toward vague, undefined ends.
Human salvation isn’t achieved through progress but through conversion.
Europeans shall look within and find there the dormant demons—such as Odin/Wotan—who will, through sheer acts of imagination, present us with a new, unexpected future: Europe shall rebuild the idea of the Holy Roman Empire and become a balancer between the USA-West and the China-East.
By exploiting this power (im)balance, Europe shall, once again, become the most feared continent, and Europeans the most feared race.
The light from the shadow shall renew Europe’s soul.