Did a sailing trip expose a Dutch “White Supremacist” cell? Perhaps in the full-of-shitocracy that is the West, but in the real world, NATO’s military secret services are targeting disenfranchised white men for the Purge—by setting up fake right-wing outfits such as the Patriot Front in the USA, and the broader Active Clubs now also in Europe.
Just like the Patriot Front, the Dutch “Geuzenbond cell” guys cover their faces and blur their images. Because they’re not real people. They’re government employees. The name “Active Club” echoes “Fight Club” and has about the same intelligent ring to it as the so-called “Cozy Bear” Russian hacking threat that the Dutch secret services also made up.
The Geuzenbond apparently has less than 800 followers on its Telegram channel. What that really means is that half of those are leftist opponents, and the other half are just there for the memes. The outfit itself likely consists of less than a dozen guys who get paid to prance around in silly outfits. Geuzenbond and Active Clubs were invented by secret services in order to create an otherwise nonexistent “threat”.
But NATO doesn’t want to be seen leading these misfits, so they get Bellingcat to write a scary story about it, complete with its own Wikipedia entry:
The “Active Clubs”, in my view, are a pan-globalist product of Western secret services. The clubs are a way to try to capture all the small, tiny splinter-cell groups of right-wingers in the Western world, and unite them under the banner of something completely devoid of a soul such as the Active Club Network. A signature globalist move.
I think the Western secret services aim to capture white men frustrated with the anti-white feminist leadership, and then dunk them in the meat grinders of the coming wars on Russia, China, and Iran. To purge them. To kill them off. They did the same thing in Ukraine by setting up the Stefan Bandera-fetishists. They are dead and buried now.
Which is complete nonsense because our men should be fighting for their European homelands against Brussels and NATO. How can I be so sure? Any right-wing or conservative man in Europe should logically want to fight against diversity, immigration, LGBT, feminism, veganism, and globalism, not die for it.
We should be fighting for God, for the patriarchy, for authority. Bellingcat has even produced a psychological profile of the men they think they can lead to their deaths:
“It’s specifically interesting for people who feel unaccomplished, discriminated [against], unseen.…male fragility plus a tendency for violence. That is the target audience.”
That is the target audience! That’s the NATO-speak for “this is the audience we’re targeting”. The willingness of Dutch men to fight for their country is so stupidly low—under 15% or so—there’s not going to be enough army recruits for the frontlines. Then again, it makes sense Dutch men don’t want to fight for their nation. Why would you fight for something that has long abandoned you?
Active Clubs “promise a massive status upgrade through white supremacy,” said Alexander Ritzmann, a political scientist and senior advisor at the Counter Extremism Project.
Ha-ha-haaa! Nobody, and I mean nobody in Europe believes in the Anglo-American concept of “White Supremacy”. Europe is far too fragmented to believe in Atlantic dreamworlds of race. Europe is a patchwork of ethnicities, and traditionally, all of these ethnicities have been fighting for some sort of historical or territorial recognition. The Frisians would go to war with the Danes if they felt insulted.
There is no “we, white people” in Europe. There are Dutch Frisians, Dutch Zeeuws, German Bavarians, German Prussians, Polish Prussians, Polish Russians, French Normen, Norse Frenchmen, Swedish Götlander and Swedish Laplanders, and so on, and so forth. Race doesn’t unite us. The only things has ever come close to uniting Europeans has been the Christian Crusades, but it only united Western Europe.
Today, however, Europeans are confronted with the same series of attacks on their wellbeing in all of our countries: Islam, Islamization, mass immigration, diversity, LGBT, and veganism. I believe that Europe today might finally be united but only against globalism.
Taking a few steps back, we see the bigger picture. NATO is going to use the conflict with Russia to conveniently rid Europe of its remaining few men who are still willing to fight for our people’s future. At least, that’s the plan. It won’t work. It’s just NATO’s way to get rid of any remaining patriarchal tendencies, and then, “breed the war strain out of them”, as the old Hooton Plan foresaw, by forcibly miscegenating Western women with immigrant men.
It’s not going to happen. We will never let it happen. Instead, let me tell you what will happen: Western men are going to come to their senses and unite themselves under the shared banner of a Holy War, a Ninth Crusade, but directed at globalism. Not against Moscow. Not against Beijing. But against Brussels, against Washington and against Tel Aviv. Against the Zio-Con warmongers. Against PNAC. Against anything Victoria Nuland wants.
This doesn’t mean I don’t also see through the Duginist version of Russian globalism. Putin’s brand of globalism may very will be the controlled opposition to the West. I’m not so sure about that yet. But I don’t see Putin as a savior of the West. I see Putin as a potentially welcome distraction to get European men organized and united to fight the U.S. Empire.
And I’m not fond of Xi’ rules-based order either, nor am I unaware of Xi’s stoking of Africans against Europeans. There are two more big wars looming on the horizon. After Russia comes the war on Islam, and after that, the war on Africa.
But I do know this: No globalist force will ever be able to subdue the European spirit for very long. We, Europeans, are going to decouple from the USA, we are going to fight Islam in the Holy War, and with the help of Father Winter, we are going to stop the African advance into Europe. We are going to rid ourselves of globalism and then return to our fragmented ways.
Europeans may be the most imperfect people to have ever lived—but a vase that was already broken cannot be broken again. Shattered, we stand. God willing, Deo volente, by the end of this century, Europeans shall have the last laugh.
Speaking of separating from the USA, would there be any merit to changing the language with which true europeans would communicate with each other?
Language powerfully shapes how one thinks.