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In this productive TikTok podcast, I mused about the impact of technology on humanity. At first, new inventions offered ordinary individuals great leaps forward. Progress felt real because it was real.

But the Wall Street era of “Big Tech” has twisted technology around. No longer a beneficial development, modern technology has become a gigantic scam meant to rob the Western middle classes of their real wealth.

One might even say there isn’t such a thing as “progress” at all. Rather, there is growth and sacrifice. The White middle classes of the West have grown wealthy and powerful during the 19th and 20th centuries.

Now, the middle classes are being sacrificed like cash cows in order to fund the growth of immigrant populations.

Elon Musk, in fact, may be a genius. He’s a genius because, like no other, he has mastered the art of conning people into buying Tesla stock.

By dangling images of Hyperloops and Neuralinks in front of people as the donkey’s carrot on a stick, he has tricked people into sacrificing their real wealth for the false promise of a multi-planetary space civilization.