Did White Suburbanites Steal America's Wealth?
The book Disillusioned by Benjamin Herold (book, review) claims that “white families depleted the resources of the suburbs” and then ran off, leaving newly arrived “Black and Latino residents” holding the back.
Notice how the (jewish) author of the review capitalized the words Black and Latino, but not the word white.
The claim that whites robbed America of its wealth, of course, is deeply misguided if not plain racist. But we can hardly blame far-left jewish book authors of their misguided views, since even the white boomer generation fails to grasp the origins of its wealth.
The concept of a middle class didn’t even exist until the 1900s, and this middle class only acquired its freedom and wealth since after the Second World War. With Europe in ruins, the U.S. American economy was able to export about 80-90% of all products exported around the world. So, for a brief period in time, the USA was able to amass tremendous wealth and power.
But then Europe began rebuilding itself, and other nations began developing their own industries, following the Western model. Most notably, China’s Leap Forward under Chairman Mao prepared for a radical shift in the balance of power.
The American export market share then dropped from 90% to below 40%. The drop forced the USA to outsource a lot of its manufacturing industry to China. To save face, the USA switched from productive capitalism to financial capitalism, a move many are now regretting.
The conditions that once made the USA wealthy have now waned and dissolved. The American middle-class wealth, then, arose from this unique constellation of post-war global economics. The constellation hardly lasted 50 years, and then it was over.
Both the children and grandchildren of boomers have found out that they cannot replicate the wealth of the 1950s, when hard work was all it took to acquire a house, a family, and holiday fun. Today, millennials, Gen Z, and Gen Alpha are finding it hard, if not impossible, to acquire an affordable home.
That doesn’t mean white suburbanites left minorities and immigrants with empty bags! It means those minorities and immigrants foolishly believed that moving into the suburbs alone was supposed to make them rich. They didn’t understand the source of the white middle class’s wealth—a unique and temporary constellation of global economics.
Racist leftists such as Herold and Kotlowitz refuse to acknowledge the fact that the global economics that once played into the hands of the boomer generation are now fueling the rise of a Chinese middle class. The Chinese are about to go boomer.
The USA was never a “rich place” where you were simply going to be rich merely by migrating there. The USA was a successful player in global markets between 1950 and 2000. After that, the game was already over. It’s just that people are slow to catch on.
It is unlikely that the USA will maintain even its present wealth in relation to the rising BRICS nations, especially not since the once highly competent American population is being diluted by tens of millions of low-skilled immigrants.
But anti-white racists will continue to blame white people for their misfortune. I predict a massive rise in anti-white racism has yet to come. Millions of migrants—realizing they were late to the party but are unwilling to accept it—are going to blame whites.
I recommend white families to leave the big cities and the suburbs behind, and to move into the countryside, into small communities of familiar faces, and if possible, even go off the grid. Get away from the angry diversity cluster-fucks that are big-city dwellings.
After all, the settler mentality defeats the squatter mentality. Capital-W Whites are going to be better off without squatters occupying their communities.