Why have U.S. citizens reported most UFO sightings worldwide since 1906? Don’t say aliens love to visit only the most advanced nation. Places like Shanghai, China, are far more advanced nowadays than New York City, but the Chinese don’t seem to see any UFOs flying through their skies, despite that East Asia has the largest human population. China alone has three billion eyes looking at the skies each day, but they hardly ever see any aliens.
Clearly, it’s the U.S. American media that has planted the idea of UFOs in the Anglosphere citizens’ minds. For over a century, U.S. Americans, Canadians, British people, and to some extent, Dutch people and Belgian people (Anglo-Saxons), have been bombarded with stories of flying saucers, of Martians asking for our leaders, and of Unidentified Flying Objects, now redubbed UAPs, unexplained anomalous phenomena.
So people started to believe their lying eyes. In the past, people used to see the Holy Mary appear. Now, the same people are seeing aliens landing.
Hollywood alone has produced hundreds and hundreds of movies for cinema about aliens and their technology. I thought Flight of the Navigator was a wonderful movie. But there are hundreds like it. It makes sense that after so much propaganda, the culture has finally started to believe UFOs are real. Or in other words, the Anglo-Saxon peoples and their closest relatives have lost their fucking minds.
UFOs are a distraction from the collapsing Anglo-Saxon economies. Perhaps to scare the Russians and the Chinese into believing that the U.S. leadership has its hands on “alien or non-human technology”. Just don’t expect them to believe it.
The Guardian’s Adam Gabbat wrote a decent story about it but the whole article, urging the USA to reveal its alien tech, comes off as a stunt. You know, a practical joke? This is the most likely scenario: A bunch of U.S. billionaires, bored with regular life, is just trying to punk the planet into thinking we’ve found non-human vehicles. But only in the USA, of course. Because America is special.
Aliens want Americans to beat the Russians! <insert clown-world emoji here>
Whatever technology the U.S. leadership claims it has found, it’s certainly from Earth. So is it pre-Sapiens technology that withstood millions of years of rust and weathering? Rule that one out. Technology from the lost civilization of Atlantis? No, that would still be human tech. Or is it modern technology secretly invented by DARPA in order to demoralize the Russian enemy while boosting Anglo-Saxon taxpayers’ morale to keep them paying taxes? Yeah. That must be it.
I suspect the Americans really do hold on to some surprising technology that may be weaponized in a coming war against China and Russia. And I already know this technology is perfectly man-made. And I also suspect this “alien wonder tech” will be used to convince the Anglo-Sphere’s citizenry “they are not alone in the universe”.
First, they told us we weren’t created in God’s image but in the image of primitive apes. Then they told Europeans their ancestors were Neanderthal mongrels. Then they told us the planet used to be roamed by dinosaurs and species that long went extinct before we came along, denying God’s deliberate abilities.
The belief that “we are not alone in the universe” is a continuation of the aforementioned positions. Not only are we the product of evolutionary coincidences, but we’re not even special. So, they say. Considering the overwhelming grasp of the mainstream media on Anglo-Saxon minds, I suppose it is entirely possible to convince ordinary dumb people that we’ve been visited by aliens.
Perhaps the new AI tech will produce CGI so believable we can get aliens to talk to us via Zoom—with the help of Google Translate of course. Or maybe the whole wide world will soon be laughing at us?
I used to suspect Tucker Carlson may be a Russian intel asset. But now I think he’s a U.S. intel asset, after all. His job is to speak to the disenfranchised white Americans who think the Ukraine conflict with Russia was a mistake—and to make them believe in aliens while they’re being robbed blind with taxation.
Because somebody will have to pay for weaponizing the new technology. And it’s you.
Tucker Carlson, appeals to all centrist and Republicans and even some moderate democrats. Tucker is rich and knows how the elites think. Tucker in his sarcasm, seems to lose those of you in Europe.