Degeneracy or Death
A German socialist vice-mayor Daniel Wolski was convicted to just three-and-a-half years in prison for raping children. Many such cases have come to light in recent years. Dutch parliamentarian Sidney Smeets openly admitted to having sex with 15-year-old boys at his home in Amsterdam. He got away with it without jailtime.
Or think of the absolute degenerates in politics who eat shit and photograph themselves licking public toilet bowls. A maffia of degenerates has taken over the Western political and cultural system. But my question is: Where are the men who will chase these degenerates back to extinction?
Western individualism has taken aim at group categories such as “men” and “women”. We should instead all choose our personal made-up genders. It’s not hard to figure out what these progressive liberals are really after. They want to progressively deconstruct the categories of “child” and “grown-up” in order to fade any legal distinction between them and, thereby, legalize pedophilia.
They’re pedophiles. Our politicians are pedophiles. And our even more degenerate power elites use these pedophiles as weapons against their people.
I predicted it in my book Revival of the West,
This is what liberals actually believe. … Next, predatory liberals reason that children’s minds and adults’ minds are also alike, and therefore toddlers, too, can “understand consent”.[i] Well, there you have it. At last, liberals have found the ideological justification for their most degenerate needs.
[i] Brittney McNamara, “Watch How Consent Is Actually Something TODDLERS Understand,” Teen Vogue (blog), accessed August 11, 2017,
French President Macron really is married to an old man. “Her” children were birthed by his sister. They even lied to the children. One has to wonder why these perverted elites go through such effort to fool the world, but one also has to admire they manage to pull it off in plain sight.
The elite have studied mass psychology and feel confident enough to flash their tucked-in partners before the eyes of billions.
What about Henri Kissinger’s ‘wife’? Is there really a Michael Obama? Did Barack really prostitute himself as an African prince during his years in the black continent? Despite that so many of our leaders are so mentally off, they seem to care very much about financially exploiting the common people.
Perhaps there is some logic to it. You need a lot of money and power to fund a lifestyle that, if exposed, should see hordes of angry peasants waving pitchforks at your doorstep. So is this, then, the true motive behind political power? Surely, it wasn’t always like this? Where have the old blood nobility gone who once fought for their people’s survival?
A people’s future is determined by its morality, and a morality is supposed to support the people’s well-being. It turns out conservatism is “associated with a constellation of variables related to improved psychosocial adjustment and attainment”. It is to those variables—or rather, values—to which we must return our people.