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The British police have recently admitted that they allow certain diverse neighborhoods to police themselves. While native British communities may continue to expect the full force of the law, the law doesn't seem to apply to certain other tiers of society.

What that really means is that the British establishment has ceded authority over parts of their nation to foreign squatters. But was this squatter colonialism, perhaps, the planned intent of mass immigration to the West? Namely, to gradually surrender territory to migrant communities?

This seems to be the plan, indeed, and if social media such as X or TikTok hadn't live-streamed Britain's two-tier society over the weekend, exposing this plot, we might not have found out about it for at least another decade's worth of government denial and media cover-up.

By sending this message, namely that migrants may assert dominance over the territories they now inhabit, the British police have emboldened other squatters to start demanding the same two-tier treatment.

The United Kingdom, then, is a failed state. The establishment is trading its authority for temporary peace. But so are France and Germany, where calls for a caliphate are heard equally loudly. And so are the USA, Canada, Australia and every other nation of the West.

Our leaders are cowards. Only one group, though, White people, may expect lengthy prison sentencing if they dare to assert dominance in the neighborhoods they still inhabit.

It is important to devise a strategy to help secure our people's survival. We need to know what to protect or conquer, and how to do it.

Clearly, we need to seize and dominate all food-producing industry. Without it, we become slaves in our own nations. A winning strategy, however, cannot be formulated without first understanding the nature of the enemy we are up against.

The enemy only cares about keeping up appearances. That is why they can commit heinous crimes against anyone, including terrorist acts against children, as long as they can lie about what they did afterward.

We don't share the same moral system. Our people suffer a guilt-based morality. It means we worry about whether what we did was right or wrong. Their people suffer a shame-based culture. They care little for what they did, but worry not about losing face in the eyes of their families.

We need to understand the hollow nature of such an enemy. This hollowness stems from an emptiness that is their greatest weakness. They have not built character the way we have, for their failures have never taught them any lessons to spur self-improvement.

Self-improvement is an alien concept to those who believe they are flawless, without fault, perfect beings like their prophet. We should not be fooled by such people's false imagery. Their words mean nothing, and their actions stem more from base reflexes than from strategic consideration.

Lying about everything seems to be their greatest skill. Motives matter to us, but our enemies have no self-awareness of theirs. To fight an enemy who lives by shame alone, we must, therefore, change our strategy.

It shall prove ineffective for us to try to point out the enemy's wrongdoings, since the enemy can simply twist our words to make themselves look good again in the eyes of their kinsmen.

Besides, their families wouldn't care. You see, the White mother escorts her son to the police station, urging him to confess his crimes. No Asian, Arab or African mother would ever do that, for having a criminal son makes her look bad, a shame she has to avoid at all cost.

In a shame-based culture, mothers prefer to lie about their sons' crimes to help keep up appearances. They will blame institutional racism before admitting that rape is wrong.

Arguments, fact, or reasons simply mean nothing to them. You are facing civilizational children, not adults. Thus, to defeat warriors of a childish shame culture, it is necessary to make them lose face before the eyes of their family members.
Only this will change their behavior, when they have to avoid shame.

This, then, become the central tenet of our strategy to defeat the enemy, namely by consistently setting them up for the sort of failure that relentlessly brings shame upon them and their families.

We can hurt them more that way than our bullets and bombs ever will.