Apple Vision Pro records and interprets everything you look at or interact with. It knows your body height, how often you turn your head, how often you breathe, and how often you swallow. It even knows if you’re dominant (chin up) or submissive (chin down). And the CIA is listening in because they’re training the next generation of humanoid AI on you.
As usual, you’re the product. If you’re a guy looking at other men’s behinds a bit too much, Apple Vision knows you’re gay. It tracks your eye movement. The Vision system will also know if you prefer dogs to cats, easily scared of people, or if you’re lonely instead of outgoing, and if you’re high IQ or low IQ.
Because all that data—and much more—can be deduced from the decisions Vision users make while wearing the device. Apple Vision users are exposing their entire real-world life to the data harvesters of the NSA and the CIA, including the code you use to unlock your cell phone screen.
And why would anyone want to harvest all of this data? Well, they’re training a new generation of AI based on real-world human behavior. This user data can be used to mimic or simulate real-world human intelligence. It may come in handy when they decide to replace humans with robots. Or maybe you’ll be remote-controlling several robot workers with a single visor.
I personally no longer believe computers can ever have human intelligence, but machines will be able to pass for human when interacting with ordinary citizens.
Coincidentally, the recent Kansas City parade shooting sends a clear message: people can’t gather in peace anymore. Anywhere. Maybe you should buy an Apple Vision Pro instead and live your whole life remotely? Why not remote-attend a Taylor Swift concert instead of actually going there? Why bother going anywhere at all? You’ve got Door Dash, don’t you? Why not feed it strait into a tube.
Are our elites really conspiring to build the Matrix? I don’t believe that movies predict the future. I do believe the elites themselves are influenced by popular movie culture. The difference is, when members of the upper class see popular movies such as The Matrix, they fancy themselves the God-figure running the show.
Clearly, the visor market intends to reduce human beings to literal house-bound slaves who should never have to leave their home. Basically, you’re carrying around your own personal surveillance system, as if your cell phone wasn’t bad enough.
A new kind of floor tile now lets you pretend you’re walking around the virtual world as though it were an omnidirectional treadmill. Come to think of it, the pandemic scare curfew-and-lockdown program may return to, indeed, force people to live life virtually. “It’s not safe to go outside.” “Politics should give migrants free Vision Pros.”
And for those of you who can’t afford the high-end Apple product, there’s Facebook’s Quest 3. You see, these elites come prepared. Soon, you’ll not be able to wire money without owning a visor to identify you with scans of your retinas. To “curb fraud”, of course, not to steal your eyes.
What did you think cell phone screens were for? They were just the first step toward capturing human being’s senses, especially the eyes. By falsifying our reality with a virtually indistinguishable alternative, human beings may never know what’s real and what’s not.
Elon Musk’s Neuralink may also take over your vision centers and start injecting ads straight into our brain.
But I wouldn’t be your man of visions if I wouldn’t tell you about the obvious ways to prevent this future from materializing. Just because our elites are insane, and they loved Neo, doesn’t mean they’ll succeed in realizing their fantasies.
Here’s a few memo’s the elites might not have gotten:
The data servers processing all human data require so much clean water for cooling, it will limit people’s access to drinking water;
These data centers can be bombed, sabotaged, or electro-magnetized easily by actors of modest means (a small military outfit);
There’s a shortage of resources to provide 8 billion people with visors. It will create a division between the See and the See-Nots.
Vision-free rebels will meet in underground cafe’s. The visor craze may drive large swabs of humanity toward exploiting human intimacy again;